
VegBank Data Dictionary

Table (DB Name)referenceParty
TableReference Party
Field Organization Name
DB Field Name organizationName
Req'd? no
Data Type varchar (250)
Misc Flag n/a
List? no
Definition The responsible party field contains the full name of the organization that is associated with the resource. This field is intended to describe which institution or overall organization is associated with the resource being described. Note that this field, used in conjunction with 'individualName' and 'positionName' make up a single logical originator. Because of this, an originator with only the individualName of 'Joe Smith' is NOT the same as an originator with the name of 'Joe Smith' and the organizationName of 'NSF'. Also, the positionName should not be used in conjunction with individualName unless only that individual at that position would be considered an originator for the data package. If a positionName is used in conjunction with an organizationName, then that implies that any person who currently occupies said positionName at organizationName is the originator of the data package. Example(s): National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis