VegBank Help -- Showing Plant Names
When viewing plots, you have a choice about what plant names you'd like to see. You can choose any of the following when viewing plots from the picklist above the plant names:
- The Author's Original Name - this is the name the author used to describe the plant. It will include any unknown notation, such as "sp." but no other name will.
- Original Interpretation -
This is the author's interpretation of the plant: which concept does it match? There are
several different names viewable in the original interpretation:
- Scientific Name - the full scientific name, with authors, according to USDA, if available.
- Scientific Name without authors- the full scientific name, omitted author names, according to USDA, if available.
- USDA Code - the 4-6 character USDA Code, if available.
- Common Name - the common name of the plant, in English, if available.
- Current Interpretation - this is the most recent quality interpretation of the plant by certified VegBank users. The same types of names are available for current interpretation as are available for original interpretation. Note that the current interpretation might be the same as the original interpretation.
Occassionally, a name might not be available, such as USDA Code or Common Name. In this case, VegBank will supply another name and indicate that it is NOT the expected name by adding 2 asterisks (**) after the name.
When you select a type of plant, you will continue to see that type of plant view until you select another one, even after querying for more plots. This allows you to see a consistent view, without needs to reselect the same type of name each time you view a plot.