Where we are with VegBank

We currently have 200+ tasks scheduled for us to complete, 101 of which must be done by the 1.0.0 release of VegBank. I have divided these tasks (bugs) into actions (what we need to do) and aspects (what part of the database needs work). Below, you will see a table that shows the different actions that are necessary still, starting with the highest priorty actions (actions that are required before we can begin others, i.e. database design) and moving down to actions that are dependent on actions already listed (i.e. altering extant data in the database).
To see our current progress, visit our test machine here.

Click the number of bugs to see the actual bugs I have placed in each category. (This link takes you to our bug list, in bugzilla.) I have listed the number of bugs per milestone for each group of bugs. Milestones are stages of completeness for VegBank, starting with beta 1, then beta 2, then 1.0.0, then 1.0.1, 2.0.0, and finally tasks to Postpone)

The following table includes all tasks to be finished before the release of VegBank 1.0.0 :

Keywords (actions) below---Components of VegBank---
updated:1/17/03 6:21:03 PMmiscplotplantcommunitymetadatauserDatabasewebsitevegbranch
db_design 2 bugs
beta1 : 1
beta2 : 1
2 bugs
beta1 : 1
beta2 : 1
1 bug
beta1 : 1
db_implement  4 bugs
beta1 : 1
beta2 : 3
1 bug
beta1 : 1
preLoad  2 bugs
beta2 : 1
1.0.0 : 1
3 bugs
beta2 : 1
1.0.0 : 2
2 bugs
1.0.0 : 2
query 12 bugs
beta1 : 4
1.0.0 : 8
3 bugs
1.0.0 : 3
userLoad 10 bugs
beta1 : 4
beta2 : 2
1.0.0 : 4
5 bugs
beta1 : 1
1.0.0 : 4
2 bugs
1.0.0 : 2
12 bugs
beta2 : 9
1.0.0 : 3
rectify1 bug
beta1 : 1
8 bugs
1.0.0 : 8
validate 6 bugs
beta2 : 1
1.0.0 : 5
userAlter     2 bugs
1.0.0 : 2
export 7 bugs
1.0.0 : 7
evaluate1 bug
1.0.0 : 1
     14 bugs
beta1 : 8
beta2 : 2
1.0.0 : 4
1 bug
beta2 : 1

This table deals with tasks that are to be completed after the release of version 1.0.0. Note that the plots to load are listed as 1.0.1 to get them separated from the above tasks, which all need completion before loading lots of plots. Additionally, not all plots that we have to load NEED be loaded before release, though certainly a large chunk should be loaded. Preloaded is the term I use here because we, the VegBank staff and PI's, are doing the loading, as opposed to "users" who will be loading their own data. UserLoading functions refer to the capability of VegBank to load plots, which is obviously a requirement for us to load plots, as well. In any case, version 1.0.0 VegBank should include all the above, and also as many plots from the following table as possible:

Keywords (actions) below---Components of VegBank---
updated:1/17/03 6:21:07 PMmiscplotplantcommunitymetadatauserDatabasewebsitevegbranch
db_design 5 bugs
1.0.1 : 1
2.0.0 : 4
1 bug
2.0.0 : 1
  1 bug
post : 1
preLoad 21 bugs
1.0.1 : 20
2.0.0 : 1
1 bug
post : 1
 1 bug
post : 1
query 9 bugs
2.0.0 : 4
post : 5
   1 bug
2.0.0 : 1
userLoad 15 bugs
2.0.0 : 12
post : 2
1 bug
2.0.0 : 1
1 bug
2.0.0 : 1
6 bugs
2.0.0 : 6
rectify 5 bugs
2.0.0 : 5
3 bugs
2.0.0 : 3
3 bugs
2.0.0 : 3
validate   1 bug
post : 1
userAlter 13 bugs
1.0.1 : 3
2.0.0 : 10
3 bugs
1.0.1 : 1
2.0.0 : 2
  4 bugs
1.0.1 : 1
post : 3
export1 bug
post : 1
6 bugs
2.0.0 : 4
post : 2
evaluate3 bugs
1.0.1 : 3
extend1 bug
1.0.1 : 1



Comments?  Disagree about where bugs should go?  Anything else?  Email me: mikelee@unc.edu