@webpage_top_html@ @webpage_head_html@ Publications and Presentations about VegBank @webpage_masthead_html@

Publications and Presentations

1. Publications

Peet, R. and S. Taswell. Concept-based taxonomic data models for biodiversity units. In prep for BioScience or Taxon.

Peet, R., J. Harris, M. Walker, D. Roberts, D. Grossman, M. Jennings & D. Faber-Langendoen. A general data model and XML standard for vegetation plots. In prep for Applied Vegetation Science.

Walker, M., R. Peet, M. Jennings, D. Grossman. An information infrastructure for vegetation science. In prep for Ecological Applications or J. Vegetation Science.

Ecological Society of America Panel on Vegetation Classification. Standards for floristic vegetation classification. [View Standards Documents]

2. Presentations

R.K. Peet. November 2000. Smithsonian Institution. FGDC Biological Data Working Group.

R.K. Peet. February 2001. "Vegetation classification" symposium of the Society for Range Science (Kona)

R.K. Peet. July 2001. FGDC Biological Data Working Group meeting (DC),

J. Harris, M.Walker, R. Peet, D. Grossman, M. Jennings. August 2001. An information infrastructure for vegetation science: A model and prototype database for storing and intergrating vegetation data. ESA Meeting. Madison.[View Poster (big file)]

R.K. Peet. August 2001. "Scalable Information Systems: from Laboratories to NEON" workshop (Madison)

R.K. Peet. November 2001. "Scalable Information Networks for the Environment" (San Diego)

M. Jennings. December 2001. "Remote Sensing and GIS Accuracy Assessment" Symposium of the Am. Soc. Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (Las Vegas)

R.K. Peet. February 2002. NBII All-Node meeting (Davis).

R.K. Peet. October 2003. The VegBank taxonomic datamodel. TDWG meeting, Lisbon, Portugal. [View slides pdf | ppt]
