Color Key:

color and nameexplanation
empty cell or unknown column label derived from an empty cell in normalized table.
Left Labellabels the "left data" column that appears below it.
Top Labellabels the "top data" row that appears to its right.
Complex labelconsists first of the last "left label", then "|", then the last "top label", then "|", then "cell data" label.
Left Data
(ID columns)
data that applies to all "cell data" in the same row.
Top Data
(ID rows)
data that applies to all "cell data" in the same column.
Cell datalinked to the "top data" in same column and "left data" in same row.
Highlighted cellillustrates something.

pattern: (labels optional)

emptyemptyTop lblTop dataTop dataTop data...
emptyemptyTop lblTop dataTop dataTop data...
emptyemptyTop lblTop dataTop dataTop data...
Left lblLeft lblLLbl| Tlbl| cellLblTop dataTop dataTop data...
Left dataLeft dataLeft datacell datacell datacell data...
Left dataLeft dataLeft datacell datacell datacell data...
Left dataLeft dataLeft datacell datacell datacell data...