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DB Table Name referenceAltIdent
Table Reference Alternate Identifier
Notes This table stores information about identifiers that can be used to indicate a particular reference.
Field DB Field Name Req'd? Data Type Misc Flag List? Definition
ID referenceAltIdent_ID required serial PK no Primary key for the referenceAltIdent table.
Reference reference_ID required Integer FK no Foreign key into the reference table to indicate which reference is referenced by this alternate identifier.
System system no varchar (250) n/a no The data management system within which an identifier is in scope and therefore unique. This is typically a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that indicates a data management system. All identifiers that share a system must be unique. In other words, if the same identifier is used in two locations with identical systems, then by definition the objects at which they point are in fact the same object. Example(s): http://metacat.somewhere.org/svc/mc/
Identifier identifier required varchar (250) n/a no An additional, secondary identifier for this entity. The primary identifier belongs in the reference table, but additional identifiers that are used to label this entity, possibly from different data management systems, can be listed here. Example: VCR3465