releve Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see
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(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
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Observation Narrative
This site constitutes one of the more definite pond-like landforms of the False Cape peninsula. It is a more or less rounded depression that is clearly seasonally flooded, as indicated by definite water marks on trees in the surrounding forest; only recently drawn down on the survey date, the wetland was centrally dominated by low-statured annual and perennial "draw-down" species, especially Fuirena pumila, Rhexia nashii, Panicum verrucosum, Eleocharis olivacea, and Dichanthelium longiligulatum. The longer hydroperiod and/or deeper inundation may exclude the usual assemblage of coarse perennial graminoids, but Spartina patens dominates around the slightly higher rim. In addition, this wetland is more removed (approximately 800 meters) from the ocean than others and maritime influences may be somewhat ameliorated. Although this pond appears to be a natural feature, it may have been impacted by extensive grazing or other human impacts during the time when False Cape was populated with settlers.