releve Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see
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(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
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Observation Narrative
Plot in herbaceous swale in a rapidly changing part of Parramore Island. Located behind a broad beach and dune and in front of loblolly pine - Juniper forest, now very thick (see plot PARR005P). Adjacent swale areas are dominated by Phragmites australis ssp. australis. Surface substrate is very hummocky, possibly resulting from the former presence of shrubs that were killed as the hydrology of the area changed. Although dry on the sampling date, the floristic composition strongly suggests that the habitat holds standing water for a majority of the year, and well into the growing season. It is also subject to frequent storm surges and perhaps occasional overwash, hence the presence of halophytes such as Pluchea odorata and Bolboschoenus robustus. A drier swale, located in a dune hollow just to the east, is dominated by nearly pure Schoenoplectus pungens.