Ridgetop bear oak, red oak, American chestnut, sassafras stunted successional ridgetop forest surrounds the boulderfield. Weedy gravel road to Pinnacle runs adjacent to boulderfield but does not appear to influence it.;Large fractured sandstone bedrock boulders on ridgetop with short - statured woodland / shrubland growing up through cracks in rocks. Boulders are lichen - covered. Although this boulderfield is adjacent to the gravel road to Pinnacle Knob, there is no sign of human traffic (dense underbrush separates boulder from road, and there is no sign of trampling on lichens - also rattlesnakes are abundant).
Plot was placed to sample ridgetop boulderfield woodland within high wind resource polygon. This open boulderfield signature repeats along the Allegheny Front ridgetop from Pinnacle north about 1.5 km.