Assemblage of depression wetlands is embedded in upland forest of white oak, black gum and red maple. Subdivisions and a large powerline encroach the forest on three sides, leaving an unfragmented area around the wetlands.;Small graminoid depression wetland on peat over claypan substrate, surrounded and shaded by overhanging forest. Areas of bare leaf litter (former ponded water) interfinger with dense stands of bulrush and sedge. Shallow peat is composed of decaying wood, sedgelbulrush fibers and leaf litter. Scirpus ancistrochaetus is a near monoculture in the central peaty section of depression. Carex lupalina is dominant around the margins, with Scirpus cyperinus and other species.
Plot was placed to sample central portion of sinkhole depression wetland with Scirpus acncistrochaetus. This is one of a group of depressions on this ridgetop, some of which have Scirpus ancistrochaetus and which range from Nuphar ponds to buttonbush swa