Across a small backchannel there is an old roadbed which occupies most of the upper floodplain; then upland deciduous forest moves in. There is a thin band of cobble bar Carex emoryi in-between the plot and the river.;Regularly flooded sandy levee in front of a small backchannel. This floodplain is fairly narrow here but there is about 10-15 meters of deciduous floodplain forest with tall Platanus occidentalis dominating the upper canopy / Aesculus flava. The understory has dense cover by tall shrubs and herbs. There are piles of flotsam and logs upstream of tree trunks with associated washouts downstream. The forest receives lots of light from the rivers edge.
This plot represents a long narrow zone of levee forest with pure deciduous canopy. This community resembles a Platanus occidentalis / Aesculus flava forest on a floodplain of Tygarts Valley.