To the south of the plot appears to be a large cove or draw breaking up what had been a continuous steep gorge/river break. To the east is a lower terrace not along the river maybe an old "oxbow" which is dominated by tall herbs Verbesina alternifolia - Vernonia noveboracensis. To the north is a thin band of a more traditional Platanus occidentalis - Betula nigra / Chasmanthium river scour woodland. To the north the terrace gets a little lower and there is more Betula and Verbesina alternifolia.;The point is located in a forest area dominated by sycamore with some Betula nigra. There is a dense S1 & S2 coverage of spice bush throughout the area. This is located on a higher terrace and most likely doesn't flood very frequently. There is a somewhat dense rich herb layer. The areas with more Betula nigra seem to be on slightly lower terraces and have more tall herb.
Medium patch of older more mature Platanus occidentalis - Betula nigra forest.