Several varieties of wet woodland communities are probably found up and down the Bluestone River. However this is the first example of this community we have here so far. East of this plot is a slightly drier meadow. Up slope from the plot is the oak - hickory matrix. Along the river is a thin cobble bar community.;The Bluestone Turnpike trail passes 20m south of the plot and the Farley Loop trail begins 20m east. This section of the trail is impacted by ATV use. This area has some old field characteristics. It was probably cleared for agriculture at one time.
Small patch of a wet woodland community. The overstory is dominated by Fraxinus pensylvanica and Betula nigra. The shrubs layer by Rosa multiflora, Alnus serrulata, and Lindera benzoin. The plot is typical of the polygon. The herbaceous layer is diverse a