Varieties of this community occur along higher gradient sections along the Bluestone. Mostly upstream from this plot. Down stream 50 meters is a narrow Betula nigra / Diospyros virginiana - Carpinus caroliniana / Verbesina alternifolia woodland (BLUE.13). On the older terrace above the plot is an early successional forest dominated by Quercus velutina and Lriodendron tulipifera (BLUE.14).;Lots of flooding this season. This was the site of a collection earlier in the season. The area seemed more diverse during the previous visit. All plants are bent over from this seasons flooding.
Linear cobble bar community. Rockier than the other riverside plots. Depauperate woody layers, the herbaceous layer is the most abundant and it is also sparse Andropogon gerardii and Dichanthelium clandestinum are dominant herbs.