This community occurs in thin bands along the river on low terraces. Above the plot on the older terrace is a successional floodplain forest dominated by Liriodendron tulipifera, Platanus occidentalis, and Betula nigra. It is similar to this plot only older and less open.;The plot is located on a small level between a steep 6 ft drop to the river and a steep 4 ft bank to the older terrace. The area floods occasionally. Deep alluvial soil with an almost neutral pH (6.5).
Small linear patch. Old terrace woodland community dominated by; T2 Liriodendron tulipifera, Tilia americana, T3 Carya cordiformis, S1 Asimina triloba, S2 Rosa multiflora. The herbaceous layer is diverse but dominated by Verbesina alternifolia. This plot