Uphill from the plot ca. 200m SE the forest is steep, dry, and oaky. Below the plot NE ca. 100m to the lake is a small patch of Tilia americana-Fraxinus nigra - Aesculus flava / box elder. There is an old road between this thin band of mixed meso and the plot. Across the lake and downstream is the Bluestone State Park campground.;Successional white pine-tulip poplar forest. Lots of diversity. Large overstory white pine trees. The forest floor is diffusely lit and there is a dense forb layer. There is a deer stand in a tree just outside of the plot. There are only a few T3 trees in the plot. The area was likely cleared for farming . Unable to get GPS coordinates . The plot was hand mapped in the field.
Small patch of successional Pinus strobus-Liriodendron tulipifera forest.. The plot was placed in the middle of a large conifer signature.