Away from the river edge is a Platanus occidentalis-Betula nigra riverscour woodland (plot BLUE.77) Uphill from that is a narrow Platanus occidentalis-Fraxinus pennsylvanica community type with Liriodendron tulipifera. The upper terraces are successional Pinus strobus-Liriodendron tulipifera. Across the river is a steep riparian edge.;Narrow strip along river edge which is frequently flooded during the growing season. Carex emoryi has recently been bent over by flooding. Cobble substrate has silt accumulation and scattered large rounded boulders. The community is essentially an herbaceous monoculture of Carex emoryi but it is partially shaded by overhanging Betula nigra and Platanus occidentalis. The plot is located within the straight riffle zone reach of river.
The plot covers the entire small patch of this linear, discontinuous, community type which occurs for miles along the Bluestone River.