Just downslope is a steeper rocky area of successional tulip poplar, below that is white pine succession, and below that is floodplain. Just above the plot is another stand of white pine. There is T2 Aesculus in the hollow adjacent to the plot.;This is a moderately steep slope dissected by hollows. All of these slopes seem to have been cleared for agriculture and are now dominated by successional species, this plot by Liriodendron. This patch may eventually succeed to a mixed mesophytic community type on the drier side. The plot includes one larger red oak with a big grape vine hanging in it. Charcoal is prevalent in the soil and there is a little sugar maple in the sub canopy.
ELU 1322. Typical of successional forests with dominance by Liriodendron tulipifera in this polygon. The rocky area below has similar floristics but may have different invertebrates e.g. centipedes.