Isolated piece of river side managed by the National Park Service. Across the river is a thin band of this community type. Above the community is a steep side slope of Tilia Americana - Acer saccharum - Liriodendron tulipifera / Dryopteris marginalis mixed-meso forest. Also, see BLUE.93 and BLUEO.20&21 for additional context. There is a thin patch of Carex emoryi along the river and adjacent to this obs. Ca 100m upstream from obs point is a small patch of Spiraea virginiana in tall herb community. (see BLUEO.22);This is as flat wide low terrace below a steep forested slope. The terrace is dominated by sycamore in the T2 and Verbesina alternifolia is the dominant species in the tall herb. This area is wider than most of this type surveyed. The woodland floor is diffusely lit with sunlight most of the day. Most likely this area floods annually or more. This is one of the larger more isolated patches of this type.
Fairly large patch of tall herb woodland that runs intermittently all the way back to the Indian Branch Confluence. This is a Platanus occidentalis / Verbesina alternifolia community type unlike the Platanus occidentalis / Andropogon gerardii we sampled e