Below is a tributary floodplain with mostly deciduous canopy. Uphill grades to more oak with hemlock dropping out of the community. Most of the Northeastern slope is mixed-meso composed of Tilia americana - Aesculus flava / Laportea canadensis and stream terraces are also mix-meso.;This is a steep lower Northeastern slope with a small patch of hemlocks which are dying out, which could possibly be due to the wooly adelgid. Despite the cool aspect, site may be dry due to steepness and eroding soils. The flora is sparse but quite diverse. There are deer trails on the slope and the shrub layer is likely browsed out. Exposed on the soils is what appears to be a white fungus or crystals. The plot is located above a cliffband which is undercut by the creek.
This plot represents a small patch with deteriorating hemlock co-dominance. The hemlocks are dead and dying in all strata but this seems recent and not yet evident in light and woody debris levels.