Large tract of forested land managed by the state for timber and recreation. The Marcum cemetary is located ca .3 miles SE. Tick Ridge road is located one tenth of a mile E of usual. See other plots from CABW for more context.;Cool shady forest growing on the east face on a N running cove. The overstory is dominated by Tilia americana - Liriodendron tulipifera / Acer saccharum over a dense lush herb layer with Asarum canadense, Hydrastis canadensis, and Monarda sp. There are a few deer trails and some browsing. All of the T2 trees are marked with orange paint, likely tagged for upcoming timber harvest. Laportea canadense has considerable browse pressure.
Large patch of mixed mesophytic on east facing cove slope. Plot was placed to limit dominance by tulip poplar.