Large trat of land managed by the state for recreation and timber uses. Downslope ~30m is an unnamed tributary of Wiley Branch across the creek is Tick Ridge road. There is a narrow patch of sycamore along the tributary. Upslope ~40m, the hemlock drops out of the overstory and red oak becomes dominant.;Steep and shady west-northwest facing lower midslope. The T2 is a mixture of deciduous species (Fagus grandifolia, Acer rubrum and Magnolia acuminata) interspersed with large Tsuga canadensis which is also found in the T3 and S1 strata. There is a well used deer trail crossing though the plot. What few herbaceous plants there are show signs of herbivory.
This plot is representative of the matrix community found at Cabwaylingo S.F. A mixed-deciduous-coniferous forest of hemlock and beech. Reminiscent of GARI hemlock without rhododendron.