Ca. 30m NW of the plot is the ridge road. The community is located on both sides of the road and extends most of the way back to plot CCSP.1. There is an old farmstead located 0.25 miles N along the ridge. There the forest is similar only with more dead oaks and a higher cover of deschampsia.;Mature stand of mixed Oak growing along the E shoulder of a relatively broad ridgetop. The forest floor is covered with large sandstone rocks roughly 0.5m. There are several standing dead Chestnut oaks within the plot. Perhaps a result of Gypsy moth. Boot straps from the Armillaria (Honey mushroom) found under the bark of the dead QuPr. Some charcoal on soil surface.
the plot represents the matrix oak forest which occurs along the ridgetop. Plot was placed to sample windy ridge polygon located on Cacapon Mtn.