Plot was placed on the toeslope just above the floodplain of Boardinghouse Hollow. Upslope ~.3 miles is the Wilderness trail. The Shawnee trail is located ~ .3 miles southeast of the plot in the bottom of the hollow. Much of the hollow is similar to plot CLSP.4. A large butternut was observed 20m below plot in the bottom of the hollow.;Shady somewhat mesic forest growing on a north northeast facing slope of a southeast facing cove. The overstory is dominated by large beech trees with an understory of black maple. The forest floor is covered by ferns mostly Diplazium pycnocarpon. There is some deer browse on some of the herbs and low shrubs.
Large patch of deciduous forest with dominance by american beech. Plot was placed to sample possible Guyandotte beauty habitat within Boardinhouse Hollow.