Landscape is highly dissected by road, mines, gas wells, and pipelines. ATV trails criss-cross floodplain, but few on this side of Scott Run. Forest away from Cross Creek is successional boxelder.;Floodplain at confluence of two small creeks. Across larger creek is a small cliffband which pushes water to this side. Microtopography is fluvial with levees and swales parralel to Cross Creek and hummock and flotsam piled around larger trees. Forest is dominated by Sycamore with cottonwood in canopy, with buckeye (already lost its leaves) abundant in the tall shrub layer. Herb layer has surprisingly few weeds. This stand may have been spared from developments by frequent flooding.
Small patch of floodplain forest at confluence of Scott Run and Cross Creek. Sampled next to shore of Cross Creek to capture Sycamore.