The surrounding uplands are privately owned and subject to logging. Upstream from this plot is a narrow band of Spiraea alba ( CVWR.19 ). The surrounding upland forest consists of red maple, beech, and black cherry. There are several Carex gynandra seeps coming off the upland slopes (see plots CVWR 18, 20).;Young, early successional. The area was at one time flooded by beaver. The surrounding area was historically logged and grazed. The surrounding uplands are privately owned and still subject to logging. The actual wetland is owned by the USFWS and therefore protected. There are several half buried Abies logs in the plot. Some dying Abies are located outside of the plot, probably the result of beaver burn and adelgid infestation.
Small patch of a Hypericum densiflorum floodplain community. This stand is relatively small compared to the larger expanses of Hypericum densiflorum found in the southern valley in CVSP.