Upland spruce -black cherry forest surrounds the old oxbow. To the east is a small Carex utriculata clone and the beaver dam (now covered with soil and vegetation), which separates this wetland from the Blackwater River. Recently protected portion of the CVWR.;This community occupies the slightly drier portion of an old impoundment behind a long neglected beaver dam, in an old oxbow of the Blackwater River. Seepage from surrounding uplands keeps the area moist. A small E6 stream runs through the plot, fed by the seepage. Aside from deer browse there is no apparent current disturbance. No trails lead to this spot. Gated refuge road runs about 200m south of the plot. The plot is separated from the road by dense vegetation.
The only stand of Spiraea tomentosa I have seen to this date. Other flora seems typical of a moist old beaver pond area. Plot was placed to maximize the representation of Spiraea tomentosa.