Road just below plot. Uplands are mostly logged northern hardwoods. Adjacent to the Salix community is a small patch of cattail in standing water. Possibly impounded by the road or old beaver workings. On property boundary between CVWR and private (upland).;Narrow stream terrace along a small stream which is running on the sampling date after 2 days of rain. Community may be flooded seasonally or only after large storms since there is no evidence of overbank flow from the last event. Community is a tall shrub thicket of Salix sericea with tall herbs (Solidago rugosa) and grasses (Glyceria) dominant in the understory. There is a small opening with more abundant Glyceria and Polemonium van-bruntae!!
Small patch, narrow stand on terrace along a small creek. Plot covers about 1/2 of this patch which fingers with tall herb (Solidago) and Leersia patches. However, this is a large patch for this type. Sedges are already shattered and may be under represen