To the north ca.50m it quickly goes to upland at a steep old river bank. Prunus serotina / flat-top aster - wrinkled-leaf goldenrod - grass-leaved goldenrod - scattered Crataegus. The community the plot is in continues southwest to the river. To the northeast is more pure alder shrubland. There is one plot similar to this plot across river and we have 2 plots describig the floodplain.;Open woodland dominated by hemlock / alder with a dense lush herb layer. The community is probably old due to the Tsuga in the overstory. The community hydrology is mostly from seepage but probably receives inputs from the river periodically. The hemlocks seem to grow on little islands surrounded by the alder openings. Lots of bear sign in and around plot (trampling and scat). All the trees in the plot have buttressed roots creating hummocks. The buttress/hummocks are growing on old downfall.
Small patch of floodplain woodland dominated by Tsuga canadensis / Alnus rugosa. Similar to the plot sampled on the other side of the river in 2004. This plot is most likely one of the less rich Alder types. Seems more open than the plot on the other side