Camp Dawson property starts at the ridge line above this plot and continues down to the Cheat River. The floodplain is built upon, with a landing strip and military office buildings. A shooting range is on the edge of the floodplain and slope. As with their other tracts, the Army has used the slopes and forest for logging. The slope overall has a sparse canopy cover because of selective removal of canopy trees. The understory is thick with herbaceous, often early successional or exotic species. Downed wood and slash piles are scattered across the slope. The community type prior to the logging may be elucidated from looking at the stumps and boles remaining in the plots. Skid roads disect the slopes, in some areas causing erosion and slumping of the top soil and mineral layers and creating wet areas where water stands and mesic species may grow.;This plot is on the slope that has been heavily cut. The canopy is very sparse overall. Downed logs and slash poles are scattered throughout the plot. Overall the slope is patchy in its vegetation cover.
The plot has more canopy cover than the surrounding area. Also herbaceous layer is shorter.