Circa 200 m south, uphill from the plot, along the ridge are several large sandstone boulders with a thin band of Rhododendron maximum growing on them. Circa 1000 m east is a large open meadow. The survey area is a recently acquired addition to the Briery Mountain tract. It has obviously been intermittently logged. Two exotics are growing in dense patches on the old logging roads, Microstegium and Polygonum caespitosum.;Mixed hardwood forest dominated by Quercus spp. (red, white, and rock). Fairly dense shrub layer of witch hazel and striped maple. Dense patches of hay scented fern are found throughout the community. There is a large amount of Polygonum caespitosum invading from the adjacent logging roads. The overall community is broken up into different aged stands caused by logging. A few old sawn stumps were found within the plot.
Large patch forest community of red oak and mixed deciduous hardwoods. Plot was placed in a less disturbed stand within the community. This plot and the subsequent plots were placed to sample different mapped geology types.