The area was recently aquired by Camp Dawson. It is adjacent to the Briery Mountain WMA. There is an old pasture (High Meadows) ca. 500 m south of the plot. The forest ca. 250 m south west of the plot is a more recently timbered varient of the plot.;Oak - hickory forest dominated by red, white, and rock oak. The community has been selectively logged. In the stand where the plot was placed the cut stumps are older (barkless) than in the surrounding community. Heavy black cherry regeneration. Very sparse shrub layer. Nice patch of ginseng in the plot. Over 50 plants were counted, the largest were 3 dm tall 3 prongers. Lots of ginseng regeneration. Heavy cover of windthrow in plot.
Small patch of relatively undisturbed Oak hickory forest. Plot was placed here because it is less disturbed by logging than the cove below. This plot and the subsequent plots were placed to sample different mapped geology types.