The area has been heavily logged. The slope is criss-crossed by old logging roads. Circa 100 m uphill from the plot the forest is oak-hickory with few forbs. Roughly 150 m west the forest gets more mesic with dense Laportea cover under an overstory of Prunus serotina and Acer saccharum. The property boundary is located ca. 200 m south of the plot.;Mid-successional forest dominated by Prunus serotina and Liriodendron tulipifera with dense Acer saccharum regeneration in the T3,S1, and S2 strata. The forest floor is diffusely lit by canopy gaps created by logging. The sunnier areas contain patches of Verbesina alternifolia. The forest floor is densely covered with a lush herb layer. Overall the area seems more like the Pringle gorge slope than most of the communities surveyed on Briery Mountain. The forest is more mesic than the surrounding oak forest.
The plot was placed to survey the band of Greenbrier limestone mapped within the study area. Large patch forest community of black cherry - yellow poplar with sugar maple coming up. This site is more mesic than most of the other communities surveyed on Br