The surrounding upland forest on both sifes of the seep is a black cherry - red maple / hay scented fern forest. This community extends for at least 50 m on each side of the seep. The surrounding land is a WMA managed by the DNR and used as a training site by the WVARNG.;Narrow community following a "permenantly flowing creek. At least it is flowing now during the "dog days" of summer. The community is forested although none of the trees are rooted in the plot. An old logging road cuts across the drainage at the top of the plot. The community is dominated by Glyceria melicaria and Impatiens capensis. The upland forest surrounding the seep has been logged within the last 15 years. So the stream may recieve some sediment input from the road during hard rains.
Small patch forested seep. Plot is long and narrow. It was placed to sample the small wetland community along a permenantly flowing spring.