To the north circa 0.5 miles at the top of the ridge is high meadows field. Following the cove downhill leads to Salt Lick Creek. The surrounding area is in poor shape and seems to be heavily affected by logging. Logging has contributed to the poorness of the previous observation point. Logging roads cut the area into patches of sucessional forest. The surrounding the area is the Briery Mountain WMA and is subject to future logging.;Plot is located in bottom of a moist rocky cove. Forest is somewhat mesic with Tilia americana and Acer saccharum over a dense patch of Laportea canadensis. Sparse shrub layer. Lots of woody debris in plot. This area seems to be less disturbed than the surrounding forest with more climax forest species. Little regeneration in the shrub layers due to a dense overstory canopy. Mature Tilia fruits are raining down in the plot during the survey. The plot is covered by loose colluvial sandstone boulders. The area has been heavily logged.
Small patch of mesic forest with basswood and sugar maple dominating the overstory. Placed plot here to sample the band of mapped limestone. Plot is similar to the Pringle Gorge slope. The area is mapped as limestone but is covered with colluvial sandston