This mesic community continues upslope for at least 50 m. Below the plot ca. 50 m SSE is a dry sub-xeric oak forest that follows the new property boundary. The area is relatively isolated and was previously used as timber land. Now it is used as a training site for Camp Dawson.;Heavily logged forest on a gentle midslope. Somewhat mesic mid-successional forest dominated by tulip poplar and black cherry. The herb layer is dense and lush. The surrounding forest has been repeatedly logged and is criss- crossed by skid trails and littered with logged stumps in varying stages of decay.
Medium sized patch of a mesic mid-successional forest. Plot was placed near one of Jim's target points, where he figured due to the mapped limestone it should be more of a mixed-meso forest like the Pringle gorge slope. Different than the xeric and sub-xe