Across river we have an ANGE prairie plot. On the terrace above that is a successional pine plot and above that is a high terrace oak plot. On the ridge above we have several Hemlock plots. This north slope is mosaiced with Oak-Hemlock areas to Rich Hemlock forest with Tilia and Laportea (see plot GARI.107). There are several large, flaky sandstone cliff breaks this stretch of gorge slope.;Steep colluvial gorge slope with large Red Oaks and Hemlocks in the overstory. The slope is heavily shaded and the herb layer is dominated by ferns. All the large trees show signs of slope creep. Mature forest community with a few large T2 trees spread out and lots of T3 trees in between.
Large patch of mixed deciduous-hemlock forest on a steep N facing gorge slope. Plot was placed to sample ELU 1111. Although the photo signature seem similar beyond the ELU polygon.