Downstream on river right is matrix hemlock-red oak-tulip/rhodo on a fairly broad, infrequently flooded terrace with a messy camp beyond that. This is largest sunny riparian veg patch in the close vicinity, mostly steep riparian edge.;Boulder/cobble bar along an undammed river. Community has shrubland physiognomy maintained by frequent high energy flooding. There is one living flood battered tree in community. Diverse shrub layer including Ilex verticillata, Alnus serrulata, Cornus amomum, Diospyros virginiana. Herb layer is dominated by tough perennials. There are some lower spots with Justicia and a small water-holding pool on a flat rock.
Narrow zone, plot placed to minimize canopy and backchannel effects but there is at least 1 m elevational range. Smaller plot than usual.