On the upper terrace is a successional floodplain forest dominated by Liriodendron tulipifera-Liquidambar/Magnolia tripetala. The river is the N edge of plot. Across the river is a small island. Beyond that is the large flood battered PLOC-BENI/ANGE prairie sampled last season. See other plots from today for more context.;Gently sloping low alluvial terrace dominated by Riverbirch/Blue beech/Shrubby yellow root. There is likely a later season community. It has little herbaceous cover and lots of exposed sand. The canopy is dense though most of the overstory is either overhanging from the upper terrace or on the river's edge. The area seems subject to periodic floods. Should probably do a revisit later summer if time permits.
Narrow patch of Betula nigra/Carpinus caroliniana/Xanthorhiza simplississima forest. Plot was placed to sample lower terrace and ELU 1130-2130. The patch is only slightly larger than the plot.