Plot is just 1000m northwest of plot GRBO.1. Along the stream from GRBO.1 to this plot is a continuous swathe of Aruninaria gigantea growing on the southwestern side of the stream. Also found near the plot are small patches along stream of lizard tail. Bordering the plot is a thick stand of Arundinaria to the west and south, between the plot and stream about 100m away is a thick stand of Polygonum cuspidata. To the east of the plot is a thick stand of Sida hermaphrodita.;Narrow band of deciduous forest growing on a lower terrace of an unnamed tributary of the Ohio River. The overstory has a dense and tall canopy dominated by sycamore with an understory of red elm and black walnut. The forest flooer is lush with herbs ranging from 1.5m tall to just above the ground.
Plot is a small sized patch of Platanus occidentalis/Verbesina alternifolia floodplain forest. Plot was placed to sample the sycamore forest signature along unnamed tirbutary draining the Green Bottom swamp. Area is being surveyed to gather data for the