Upriver ca. 3.5 miles is the Summersville Dam. Ca. 40 m to the NE is our previous plot GARI.40. Upslope to the SW is a mixed deciduous forest over Rhododendron maximum. This will likely be home to plot GARI.42. For more context see other veg plots from today.;Large litter and moss covered colluvial boulders laying on a truncated floodplain. Dense canopy of fairly short overstory trees. The forest here feels cool and moist in the heat of the day. Relative low diversity in the herb layer. This area is above the flood channel. However, it likely flooded during major rainfalls prior to the Summersville Dam. There is Betula alleghaniensis located in our plot. We must be right at the low end of it's elevational limit.
(see aerial photo)
Small patch of boulder field forest. Similar to plot GARI.36 along the meadow only here the forest appears younger. The plot was placed to contrast the "open" flooded shrubland of GARI.40. This plot may be similar to a thin patch sa