Down hill from the plot ca. 50 m is a road below this is a small seep (too small to sample). This is the beginning of Beech Run. Down Beech Run the community is Hemlock/Rhododendron. Across Beech Run the forest appears more mesic Red Oak-Sugar maple. The ridge flat above the plot is a continuation of the xeric-oak/ heath forest.;Dry Oak forest over scattered heath shrubs. Gently sloping W facing shoulder slope. Very little herbaceous cover. Heavy deer browse on low growing woody plants, mostly greenbrier. Some fire scarring found on the bases of some of the larger trees. The forest floor feels isolated, the only sound is the distant sound of the river. There is a gas well road that continues out the point. The jeep trail goes to the river.
Med to large patch of xeric oak forest. Similar to plots sampled at NERI, BLUE, DAWS, SNHI and the Rich Mtn Battlefield. Here the Kalmia isn't as dense and there are large patches of Leucobryum covering the forest floor.