There is an old skidder trail which crosses through the ELU and goes down river ca. 1.5 miles to the Insignificant Access owned by the Riverman Raft Co. The river is ca. 75 m. S of our plot. Upslope at the edge of the Proclamation boundary is the large strip mine near the Dam. See other plots from the day for more context.;Dense canopied forest of Tsuga canadensis-Quercus prinus/Rhododendron maximum growing on moss covered colluvial boulders. Lots of woody debris on the forest floor. No sign of Hemlock wooly adelgid. There is an old skidder trail which crosses through the ELU at the top of the plot. Low diversity, shady, and cool. The diversity in the plot will likely be from Bryophytes.
Large patch of Hemlock-Chestnut Oak/ Great Laurel forest. Plot was placed to sample ELU 1133. This is a very nice example of what is probably going to be GARI's matrix community type.