Forest tract surrounded by river and roads represents a rare occurrence of good - condition forest on limestone. See GREE.37,38. In addition there are areas with gypsy moth oak kill, which are more grassy. Sinkholes on plateau are forested mixed mesophytic (buckeye - basswood - sugar maple).;River bluffs near an inside river bend with exposed limestone bedrock ledges on SE flank of nose. Ledges are 1-2 m tall with lots of exposed soil beneath. Forest canopy is dominated by red oak and chinquapin oak, with black maple, hickories, and red bud in subcanopy. Leatherwood is abundant in shrub layer. There is a lush herb layer dominated by clonal species able to exploit the rich, loose soil. Large oaks show effects of Gypsy Moth decline.
Small - large patch dry mesic oak forest on limestone. Three plots in vicinity may represent different types or different phases. Nearby on this aspect are patches with higher cover by Smallanthus.