Similar Oak - Hemlock plot sampled by GWNF.23. Red Oak - Witch Hazel is matrix forest. Also see plots in VA sampled by Gary Fleming on same day.;Gentle slope on ridge nose above a low gap in Shenandoah Mt. Community is a forest of large diameter Oak mixed with conifers, including Hemlock, White Pine, and in the shrub layer, Balsam or fraseri fir. Fir with cones observed downhill. Norway Spruce further down suggests that fir might be planted. However, it is regenerating in natural communities. Hemlock in vicinity is mostly dead at slightly lower elev. Many still alive here; high mortality (lots of snags).
Small patch of Red Oak, Hemlock with fir regen in the understory. Uncertain what species of Abies, if natural "Abies balsamea" or escaped from plantation "Abies fraseri"?
Abies fraseri ? Adelges tsugae. Bait corn cobs in plot. Possible fire scars on big oaks (uphill side to about 4m) - or large Hemlocks >100 year old (collected core)