Upslope ca. 100m is the trail. Much of the community on the ridge is a heavily disturbed weedy and open Oak / Hickory forest. This community is laden w/ exotics (Alliaria petiolata, Microstegium vimneum and others) and runs all the way back to Rt. 55.;Dry somewhat sterile Oak forest growing on a N facing shoulder slope of North Mountain. The forest floor is covered w/ S2 Vaccinium pallidum. This site is somewhat non-typical of the ridge top. Our plot was placed to minimize the weeds and disturbance on the ridge. We pushed off the ridge until the weeds dropped out, which is also where the forest becomes more sterile. There is some sort of blight on the Robinia causing their leaves to turn brown. Boot strap fungus on dead Red Oak (Armilaria - Honey mushroom). Lots of insect munch holes on overstory oak leaves.
Small patch of acidic Oak / Heath forest dominated by Chestnut Oak and late low Blueberry. Plot was placed to sample an older intact section of mature forest within the windy ridge polygon located on North Mountain.