Forests below road are successional tulip poplar with abundant Microstegium and Alliaria in herb layer. There are also viney openings and Allianthus patches. Road is covered with exotics including Microstegium, Alliaria, Coronilla, and Lespeza cuneata. Ground disturbance on enriched soils creates an ecological disaster. But who cares?;Rocky SE facing mountain slope mapped as Helderburg limestone but boulders covering ground are laikely sandstone colluvium from ridge top. Oak - hickory forest with some tulip poplar. Very rocky soils testyed near neutral in A horizon. Almost no regeneration of oaks or hickory may indicate heavy deer herbivory.
Patch of oak - hickory dominance on limestone. Plot placed to minimize cover by tulip poplar and exotic herbs and maximize cover by native herbs.