Over the mountain there is a sharp geological break to Helderburg limestone which is mostly occupied by successional tuliptree and tree of heaven forests over stiltgrass and other weeds but with some remnant patches of oak - hickory forest.;Warm aspect (NW seems warmer than SE) on sterile sandy soil with a deep organic surface layer. Forest of pitch pine and oaks with black gum over a dense multilayered shrub stratum domianted by box huckleberry. Box huckleberry is evidently clonal with rather sharp boundaries of dominance vs. absence. Where it is present box huckleberry exerts strong dominance over other shrubs probably due to vigorous rhizome system.
Represents oak - pine forest with understory dominance by box huckleberry. Forest type seems more or less equal to type without box huckleberry which occurs adjacent and is more extensive.
fire scars on some trees. JV 2012: site is burned on fairly short return interval, volunteer looking for box huckleberry reported charred shrub layer in January 2012.