Rail road nearby to the west. Surrounding strip mines and residential areas causing noise pollution. Historical representative (Civil War era) corn crops maintained by NPS east of stand. To the west are small limestone glades (plots HAFE.29,30). This land parcel may be the only remaining natural vegetation on Tomstown in WV !;Canopy is dominated by a diverse mixture including Quercus muhlenbergii, Juglans nigra, and Carya cordiformis. Quercus rubra rooted out of plot is also typical of the community. Tall shrub layer include Cercis canadensis and Viburnum prunifolium. Herbs at this season dominated by tall herbs Ageratina altissima, Verbesina alternifolia with abundant dried up Histrix patula. Young to medium aged forest with rotted sawn stumps. Red soils cracked at surface, little litter accumulation. Garlic mustard skeletons. Faint trail through plot.
Deciduous forest on dolomite derived soils. Plot has typical tree composition of stand and includes a couple bigger than average trees. Placed to minimize weeds. Revisited on April 27, 2005 (additional plants added to species list).