Uphill is agricultural field. Downhill is railroad, then river. Matrix forest on less severe sites is oak hickory (see HAFE.38).;Phyllite which forms Bull Falls also forms the bedrock ledges found in this plot. There are a series of sloping ledges which support a woodland (this plot) and open rock community. Woodland is dominated by conifers and short oaks (red, chestnut). Plot includes small openings with shallow soil, rock outcrops both sunny and shaded. Large oak snags and down logs. Dominat conifers are Juniperus virginiana and Pinus virginiana. High herb diversity with grasses and composites dominant.
Bedrock ledges on southwest exposure above Shenandoah River at top of Bull Falls.
Large dead Quercus prinus snags in plot. Large deciduous trees stressed (drought or fire?). Trail comes down to overlook and casual trails depart from there. (erosion, trails/roads)